Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment

Non-Invasive Laser Skin Resurfacing

What is Fractional CO2?

The Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser is a procedure offered at WIFH that provides skin resurfacing with exceptional results. Fractional CO2 can address many issues, including:

  • Skin texture
  • Loose skin / Skin Laxity
  • Fine lines/wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Collagen production
  • Sun damage
  • Overall anti-aging

In the past, CO2 lasers required lengthy recovery time and were unable to target specific trouble spots with precision. Thanks to advances in medical technology, we are now able to offer an advanced CO2 laser that provides more precise treatment with a fraction of the recovery time.

It is important to note that CO2 Laser can only be performed on light skin tones.

How Does Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Work?

The Fractional CO2 device uses a computer-guided laser to deliver energy in a grid-like pattern which creates “micro wounds” in the skin (up to 20% of the skin’s surface). The heat from the laser enters these wounds and stimulates collagen production – similar to aerating a lawn. By wounding only a fraction of the surface, it allows the existing skin and collagen fibers to blend and strengthen the unwounded tissue, resulting in 5-7 days of downtime.

The laser also remodels the existing collagen, making the skin much smoother. Practitioners can customize treatments to individual patient needs by adjusting parameters on the laser.

The result: It diminishes the appearance of scarring, improves texture, reduces pore size, eliminates sun damage, tightens the skin, diminishes fine lines, and softens deeper wrinkles that Botox and Dysport cannot.

What are the Risks/Side Effects?

This procedure is only safe for light skin types/tones and can be performed by Dr. Cox or a member of his highly skilled clinical team.

It is imperative that patients refrain from sun exposure at least 4-weeks prior to treatment. For this reason, many of our patients choose to have this procedure in the fall and winter months.

Pregnant women should not have Fractional CO2 Laser treatments.

Preparing for Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment

Before The Procedure

  • Four Weeks Prior: Some patients may require a pre-treatment (this will be discussed at your consultation) – such as the Obagi Nu Derm System – in order to achieve more optimal results. Refrain from sun exposure and self-tanners. If patients have had recent sun exposure, they will need to reschedule the procedure.
  • Three Weeks Prior: Refrain from waxing, or chemical peels.
  • Two Weeks Prior: Refrain from any IPL or BBL treatments.
  • One Week Prior: Avoid medications that increase bleeding/bruising such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Naproxen (Aleve), Vitamin E and Fish Oil. Discontinue use of topical retinols, Tretinoin, Glycolics, Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acid, and exfoliants.
  • Week Of: Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking. Two days before treatment all patients will start a prophylactic dose of Valtrex to prevent a cold sore outbreak and continue at least 7 days post-procedure. This protocol is used even for patients that have never experienced a cold sore in the past. Fractional CO2 cannot be done if patients have active acne, cold sores or open lesions.

The Day of Treatment

There is no real prep involved on the day of treatment. It is always preferred that patients come in with a clean face (no make-up), however if they are coming from work, we will have patients cleanse the face once they arrive.

If patients typically exercise, we recommend doing that before coming in for the appointment as exercise is not recommended for the next few days.

What to Expect During the Treatment

A numbing cream will be applied to the face and left to take effect for one hour to prevent any discomfort. Our patients find that this works extremely well.

We will then cleanse the numbing cream from the face and the skin will be prepped for treatment. Eye protection will be placed, and treatment is ready to begin. A single pass will be made over the entire face ensuring coverage.

Once the treatment is complete, a recovery balm and sunscreen will be applied. Patients will be sent home with post-care products and detailed instructions to promote rapid healing.


The numbing cream used prior to treatment is very effective, so patients should experience minimal discomfort during treatment.

Treatment Duration

The actual fractional CO2 treatment will only take approximately 45 minutes to complete, but when numbing time is factored in, patients will be with us for about 1.5 – 2 hours.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Recovery Time

Patients will likely experience immediate redness, swelling, and pinpoint bleeding. Patients should anticipate some redness (like sunburn) and swelling to last up to seven days after the procedure and can experience some mild peeling for the first few days.

It is extremely important to avoid the sun for at least four weeks following the procedure.

We provide all patients post-procedure skin care products to be used for the week following treatment. Please be prepared to wash your face at least three times a day.

Many of our patients are able to apply make-up as early as five days after the procedure but be prepared to spend 5-7 days without make-up. We recommend a tinted SPF during this healing time, and to NOT wear any foundation or concealer.

Because the skin is responding like it would to a wound, patients will continue to see improvements of the skin for up to six months following treatment. For optimal results, we recommend a series of three treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Fractional CO2 Consultations

Consultations are very important, thus required when considering a resurfacing procedure like Fractional CO2 laser. At the consultation, patients will meet with a member of our clinical team so that we can get to know you and your skin goals. We also want to make sure you are an appropriate candidate for CO2 laser and recommend the appropriate pre-treatment skincare regimen.

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Pricing

For optimal results, we recommend a series of three treatments. Our package of three treatments is $3,300. For those patients wanting a single treatment, it is priced at $1,200.

Fractional CO2 FAQs

What is the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment?

CO2 combines ablative CO2 skin resurfacing and collagen rejuvenation in a single laser, without the significant downtime of traditional CO2. It works to smooth away lines and wrinkles and firm and plump the skin tissue. It’s a great option for those seeking anti-aging or for treating fine lines and wrinkles that Botox and Dysport cannot.

How Does the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Work?

Fractional CO2 works by wounding or causing injury to the skin. Unlike traditional CO2 skin resurfacing that wounds 100 percent of the skin’s surface, Fractional CO2 only wounds up to 20 percent of the surface. It’s similar to aerating a lawn. The new collagen fibers and skin cells will grow into the existing skin cells, strengthening and smoothing the skin.

What does the Fractional CO2 Laser Treat?

Micro Fractional CO2 is indicated to treat sun damage, shrinking pore size, diminishing acne scars, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin tone and texture, and tightening the skin.

Does the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Hurt?

A numbing cream will be used for Fractional CO2 so the treatment should be comfortable.

What Will My Skin Look Like Immediately Following Treatment?

Skin will appear very red (similar to a sunburn). Patients may also notice some pinpoint bleeding and swelling.

How Much Downtime Do You Have with the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment?

5-7 days of downtime. The skin will appear very red similar to a sunburn. You should also expect swelling.

How Long Do The Results From the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Last?

The results from CO2 will vary based on how well you take care of your skin following treatment, having a skincare regimen in place and reducing your treatment areas to sun exposure will help to maintain them. We recommend 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. It can take up to 6 months for full results. Normal aging will continue to take place so longevity and results will vary. Those trying to diminish acne scars may need to return for another treatment in 3-6 months following their first procedure in order to achieve the best results. For those looking for anti-aging, one treatment every 1-2 years as maintenance if typically sufficient to maintain skin laxity and tone.If patients do not also treat with Botox or Dysport every 3-4 months the wrinkles may return.

How Many Sessions of the Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment Do I Need?

We recommend a series of 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. We do offer a single session for those just needing a routine maintenance treatment. Full results can take up to 6 months.

Is Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing Safe?

It is safe, but only for those with light skin types/tones. This procedure should be done by a licensed medical provider.

Is Fractional CO2 Laser the same as Fraxel?

No, Fractional CO2 is ablative and Fraxel is non-ablative. An ablative laser wounds the skin, a non-ablative does not.

Further Reading on Fractional CO2