A Patient’s Guide to Getting 360 Lipo in Atlanta

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Published on Jul 28, 2022 By: WIFH Staff

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The Growing Popularity of Liposuction

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’s annual Procedural Statistics Release, Liposuction was the #1 most sought after cosmetic procedure for the second straight year in 2022. In fact, the demand for liposuction has surged 23% since 2019, surpassing Breast Augmentation as the most popular cosmetic procedure to get in America. Another growing trend in cosmetic procedures that we are seeing here at WIFH is the demand for 360 Lipo. Using the minimally invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction technique, WIFH surgeons are able to deliver exceptional results for our Atlanta 360 Lipo patients. Read on to find out the ins-and-outs of 360 Lipo and why Smartlipo is the ideal solution for patients who want to get 360 Lipo in Atlanta.

What is 360 Liposuction?

Contrary to how it may sound, 360 Lipo isn’t a new type of liposuction, but rather a way of describing where the liposuction is being performed.

360 Lipo is Circumferential

360 Lipo cases take a more comprehensive approach when treating the midsection of the body. The objective with 360 Lipo is to optimize the shape and contour of the entire midsection and torso area, helping create a more natural-looking and balanced appearance. 360 Liposuction Areas Treated

360 Lipo Treatment Areas

To have a full 360° circumferential treatment of the torso area 360 Liposuction procedures will treat the patient’s:
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Back/Bra Fat
While all of these are popular areas of the body to have liposuction, historically they have been viewed as separate areas: the abdomen as one area, the flanks as another area, and bra fat a third area. With Lipo 360, patients get a full 360-degree, circumferential reduction rather than only addressing one area on its own.

360 Liposuction Treatment Methods

Due to the growing popularity of 360 Lipo, there is no shortage of liposuction techniques and treatment options available.

Types of Liposuction

Common methods for performing 360 Lipo range from:
  • Traditional Suction-Based Liposuction
  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Hydro/Water-Assisted Lipo (WaterLipoâ„¢)
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (Vaser)
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Types of Laser-Assisted Liposuction

There are numerous types of laser-assisted liposuction devices available for 360 Lipo. Among the most popular laser-assisted options for include:
  • Smartlipo
  • CoolLipo
  • ProLipo Plus
  • LipoLite
  • LipoTherme
At WIFH, all laser liposuction procedures, including 360 Lipo, are performed using the minimally-invasive Smartlipo device. Since 2008, WIFH has performed over 15,000 successful Smartlipo procedures, including more than 5,000 cases of 360 Lipo.
Maintaining Smartlipo Results
Maintaining Smartlipo Results:
Tips to Keep the Fat Off
Read More

Why Smartlipo is Ideal For 360 Liposuction

The benefits of choosing Smartlipo over other methods of liposuction are numerous. Below we’ll get into the specifics on why Smartlipo is the ideal choice for 360 Liposuction in Atlanta.

Smartlipo is Less Invasive

Compared to traditional liposuction, the instruments required to perform Smartlipo are much smaller, providing patients with a far less invasive experience. Smartlipo requires an incision small enough to allow a 1mm cannula (tube) that houses the laser fiber to be inserted directly into the fat cells. The tiny laser is then able to deliver energy causing the fat cells to liquify prior to being suctioned out of the body. Traditional liposuction requires a 3mm to 5mm tube to be inserted to suction out the fat, both of which cause more tissue trauma and more extensive pain, healing, and recovery time than a 360 Lipo procedure performed with the Smartlipo device.

Smartlipo Uses Local Anesthesia

A primary benefit of choosing Smartlipo for 360 liposuction is the reduced risk of the anesthesia used to conduct the procedure. Due to the invasiveness of traditional liposuction, patients are put to sleep with general anesthesia or IV sedation during surgery. In Smartlipo procedures, a simple saline solution containing a local anesthetic is infused to numb the treatment areas. This allows the patient to be awake without pain for the duration of the lipo procedure. As with any surgical procedure, Smartlipo 360 is not without risks. These risks include allergic reactions, bleeding, bad reactions to anesthesia, and other common issues with surgeries. That being said, procedures performed under local anesthesia carry significantly less risk than those that utilize general anesthesia or IV sedation. We encourage every patient to discuss the procedure with your surgeon to make sure you properly understand any and all risks before moving forward.

Smartlipo Laser Promotes Skin Tightening

On top of removing unwanted fat, another benefit of Smartlipo 360 Liposuction is that the heat of the laser stimulates collagen production to help tighten the skin and boost elasticity around the treatment areas — thereby enhancing the results for 360 Lipo patients.

Smartlipo Recovery is Much Faster

Due to its less invasive nature, Smartlipo also comes ahead versus traditional liposuction when it comes to recovery time necessary following 360 lipo procedures. Following a traditional liposuction procedure patients experience significant bruising, swelling and discomfort, requiring them to wear a compression garment for 6-8 weeks post-surgery. The heat from the laser used in the Smartlipo procedure allows for less bleeding, swelling, and bruising; this means there are no stitches needed and healing is faster. Patients do experience some swelling, soreness and discomfort, but are able to resume normal activities in 3-4 days, can exercise within a 7-10 days time, and must only wear a compression garment for 4-6 weeks.

Smartlipo Delivers Excellent Results

The biggest advantage of choosing Smartlipo for 360 Liposuction is the end result. The focus of the 360-degree, circumferential procedure helps people achieve a smoother, more balanced body shape. Smartlipo 360 Before and After Photo Once postoperative swelling begins to subside, patients will begin seeing results from the procedure within a week. Full and final results are expected between 4 to 6 months. Even though Smartlipo 360 can produce dramatic results, it is important to discuss expectations with your doctor for your unique situation. To achieve optimal results from Smartlipo, patients must follow the recovery and aftercare instructions as directed by their doctor. To maintain their Smartlipo results, patients should continue a healthy and active lifestyle.

Cost of 360 Lipo in Atlanta

One of the big questions patients have most often about 360 Lipo is – What’s the Cost of 360 Lipo?

360 Cost Factors

The cost of 360 Lipo in Atlanta will vary based on a variety of factors including:
  • what medical practice the patient chooses to have the procedure done
  • what liposuction method the patient is being treated with
  • the amount of fat that needs to be removed from each section of the patient’s torso area
Typically, Atlanta patients who are being treated by reputable and experienced surgeons should expect the cost of 360 Lipo to start around $7,000. This can go up depending on the previously discussed factors above.

360 Lipo Packages Save Patients Money

It’s important to note that purchasing a 360 Liposuction package starting at $7,000 does provide the patient with a significant cost savings when they choose to have all 3 areas (Abdominals, Flanks, Lower Back Fat) treated at once. Think of it as a cost “efficiency of scale” compared to the individual costs for each area:
  • Abdomen-only Price Range: $4,500 – $8,000
  • Flanks-only Price Range: $3,500 – $4,500
  • Lower Back / Bra Fat Price Range: $3,500 – $5,000
If a patient knew they wanted to get all 3 areas treated but had each area done one at a time, the total average cost to do each individually could result in the patient investing upwards of $17,500 to achieve the desired results.

Get a Smartlipo 360 Lipo Consultation

Now that you’ve been educated on the ins-and-outs of 360 Liposuction, the next step is to schedule a consultation to see if Lipo 360 is right for you. The experienced medical team at WIFH believes it is essential for anyone who is considering a surgical procedure to meet and be directly evaluated by the doctor who will be performing the 360 Lipo surgery. At WIFH, the patient’s 360 Lipo consultation will be done personally by Dr. Cox or Dr. Moody. They will review the patient’s medical history, examine the patient’s treatment areas, and make a recommended treatment plan that is right for you.

Paul E. Cox, MD, MS

Dr. Paul Cox MD, MS is the Owner and Medical Director of WIFH, serving the Atlanta-area community as a physician for over 20 years. A 1999 graduate of the University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Dr. Cox completed his residency in Family Medicine in 2002 and is board certified in both Family Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicine. He has been licensed in Georgia since 2001. As one of the first physicians trained in Smartlipo in 2007, Dr. Cox has performed thousands of Smartlipo laser liposuction procedures without complication. He has been performing cosmetic injectables since 2003 and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the world of aesthetics.