What Patients Need to Know About Smartlipo Results
Two of the most common questions patients have about the minimally invasive Smartlipo laser-assisted liposuction procedure are:
When will I see results? and How do I maintain Smartlipo results post-procedure?
Not only will this article answer both of those questions, but it will also provide helpful tips for patients to maintain optimal results.
Expect to See Smartlipo Results Gradually
It is important for patients to know that Smartlipo results are not immediate. Directly following the procedure, Smartlipo patients typically experience some swelling, inflammation and bruising to the treatment areas. As this swelling subsides, patients may notice some differences about 1-2 weeks following the procedure. It is also common to have “hard spots” or “knots” in the treatment area that typically appear during weeks 4-6 of recovery. These areas of inflammation almost always resolve completely over time and do not affect your final results.
An integral part of recovery, preventing complications and ensuring your best results is compliance with wearing your compression garment for 4-6 weeks after your procedure. You should wear this garment at all times except showering. We will provide you with one compression garment and you may purchase others if you wish. This garment simultaneously reduces swelling and inflammation while it continues to shape and contour the body. Smartlipo results will continue to improve gradually in the months following surgery, with “final” results expected around 4-6 months post-op.Recovery is highly variable and individualized, which is why it is important to attend all of your post operative visits to see your doctor and document your progress.

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Tips for Keeping the Weight Off & Maintaining Results After Liposuction
Once patients have undergone Smartlipo, they will want to ensure the final results last long-term. An unhealthy lifestyle often leads to the need for liposuction, so making any necessary diet and exercise adjustments will be critical to maintain your results.
Below are some tips that will help you maintain your results from Smartlipo and stay healthy so you can enjoy them. .
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is extremely important for a healthy lifestyle overall but also for helping you maintain your results. Exercise builds and maintains lean muscle mass which is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism and preventing fat weight gain. Exercise also makes you more confident in your body and enhances your Smartlipo results.
Healthy Eating Habits
It’s important to maintain a balanced healthy diet. This means avoiding simple carbohydrates like cakes, cookies, candy, cereal, chips, soda(even diet soda), juices, sweet tea, breads, white rice, pasta and white potatoes. We also recommend avoiding excessive salt and focusing food consumption on lean proteins and complex carbohydrates (vegetables). It is also important for overall health not to consume more than 2 grams of salt daily and to be aware of the amount of food we eat. We recommend eating all home meals on salad plates and taking ½ of meals out home. Additionally, there is good data that eating plans like intermittent fasting and caloric restriction are beneficial for overall health.